Improves Digestions
Raw food normalises and strengthens your dog’s digestive system by providing your pet a good balance of active enzymes which are naturally present in raw food.
Enzymes help your pet’s body break down food and absorb the maximum amount of nutrients necessary for good health.
By feeding your dog an enzyme-rich raw food diet, you will reduce unnecessary stress on your dog’s organs to produce these vital enzymes and promote optimum digestion.

Reduces Allergies
A grain & gluten-free diet is helpful in combating chronic yeast infections & allergies. Grains contain natural sugars upon which yeasts can feed and multiply. Raw provides natural, whole-food nutrition that a dog’s immune system needs in order to function optimally.
Removing ingredients commonly found in kibble such as toxic chemical preservatives, excessive gluten & grain, by-products & fillers and changing the diet to one that consists of fresh quality meat sources and no grain & gluten helps eliminate dog allergies.

Better muscle tone & joints
Feeding raw food with a high real meat percentage, your dog will lose unwanted fat and gain increased muscle mass.
The bone content in raw diets in particular the cartilage & marrow are loaded in natural chondroitin and glucosamine which help to build healthy joints.The low percentage of carbohydrates helps minimise joint disease & Inflammation.

Shinier healthy Skin & coat
A natural, raw diet produces a beautiful, shiny coat. This is due to the extremely high nutrient value and all of the undamaged essential fatty acids found in fresh meat & fats.

Firmer less smelly poo
Fresh raw meat, bones, veggies and fruit are digested more completely & properly utilized by our dogs than cooked grains and meat. This means less waste & smell plus much smaller & firmer stools!